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Why Should You Opt for Teranet eXpress®

By décembre 21, 2020mai 26th, 2022Solutions de registre

Access to Ontario’s Land Registration System and Writs of Execution has never been easier.

Particularly during a pandemic, where having the ability to virtually access key information can help you make quicker, faster, and more informed decisions.

Meet Teranet eXpress®

Teranet eXpress® is a self-serve channel that allows you to access the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) Land Registration Database and the Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG) Writs Database.

It provides you the ability to:

  • Search and print Parcel Registers*.
  • Search by individual office writs filed and entered into the Ontario Writs System.
  • Search writs simultaneously across all 49 Enforcement Offices.

What’s so unique about Teranet eXpress®?

There are a few things that set Teranet eXpress® apart. Firstly, it is the only application where you can perform an OWL (Ontario Writs Locator) search.

Secondly, it is the only unlicensed application where you can perform a name search and search writs by name and number.

Last year, Teranet eXpress® had over 150,000 transactions for:

  • Parcel Registers*;
  • Search Name Reports;
  • Documents;
  • Writ Searches (Name and Instrument);
  • And OWL (a writ search that searches all EOs in Ontario).

Who can use Teranet eXpress®?

Be it legal professionals or individuals interested in obtaining information about their property, almost anyone can register with Teranet eXpress®.

Some of the users who have been using the solution include:

    1. Financial and Credit Unions professionals;
    2. Conveyancers;
    3. Lawyers;
    4. Third Party Search services providers;
    5. Investigators;
    6. And risk management professionals.


How much does this service cost?

There is no fee to register with Teranet eXpress®. You will only be charged based on the transactions you perform. For more information about the prices, please review the pricing guide.

If you have any further questions about Teranet eXpress® or would like to know more about the solutions from Teranet, visit You can also connect with us on social media – we are on Twitter and LinkedIn.

* An official product of the Ontario government pursuant to provincial land registration statutes.